Wednesday 15 August 2012

Am I a wind turbine?

Recently I was flying to the Netherlands for work, and accentuating the North Sea are fields and fields of majestic wind turbines, slowly caressing the winds as they pass them by. I believe the concept of wind turbine is brilliant in it's simplicity, capturing something (wind) which can be normally destructive or annoying to people, and harnessing it, and then turning it into something which can empower people (excuse the pun). As I was flying over, I felt God speak to me through the image of the turbine.

  1. Am I anchored in my core, unchanging in foundational beliefs and principles, as the turbine is? Or am I adrift, being pushed around wherever the wind takes me? This is not to see that I shouldn't have a freedom to chose and to grow, but there needs to be a part of me which is rock solid.
  2. Am I able to take what is thrown around in the world, and use it generate good and put that back into the world? Or do I simply lash out in anger and frustration at those around me (or even God) when things don't go according to my will or expectation.
Can I give out from what he has already given me... that is the challenge on my heart today.