Friday 22 March 2013


Having recently finished watching the latest season on "The Biggest Loser", I was struck by the fact that one of the trainers (Jillian Michaels) talked one of the contestants through forgiveness, purely because she knew it has holding her back, that it had trapped her in her situation (which had then also resulted in her bad eating habits)... she pointed out that she (the contestant) needed to forgive the person because it was good for herself, it was what was needed to release her from the emotional baggage, which was resulting in her unhealthy lifestyle.

How come the world knows how good and healthy forgiveness is? Yet we struggle so much with it... If you google forgiveness, you will be surprised that the most of the initial articles are medical related... how forgiveness is physically good for you...

So am I going to consciously look to forgive thus that upset, offend, or even maliciously hurt me? Knowing ultimately that forgiveness is good medicine for my soul and body?

Below are a few points from a great preach earlier this month at our church.

  1. What is forgiveness?
    To excuse for a fault or offence. To grant relief for payment of. A conscious or deliberate effort to release feelings of resentment.
  2. Why forgive?
    Things happen in life which cause offence. We can chose to forgive or withhold forgiveness. However someone once said "Unforgiveness is us taking poison and expecting somebody else to die."
  3. What does forgiveness do?
    (1) frees both parties, (2) restores relationships with others, (3) releases grace to be active, (4) restores relationship with the Lord, (5) better physical health.
  4. What did Jesus say about forgiveness?
    Jesus on the cross: "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do." Matthew 6:14-15 : For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
  5. How to forgive
    (1) choose to release - act of the will, can function regardless of the temperature of your heart (Corrie Tenboom). (2) forgive immediately and without anger. (3) with a heart towards restoration. (4) completely as our Father forgives us - psalm 103:12.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Restaurant Stakeout

So I was watching Restaurant Stakeout the other night. What was so interesting about the show is not just how the people acted when they did not know they were on camera, but beyond that how they responded when they were confronted about it. Many did initially deny what had been shown on the camera, but most did agree that their behaviour - which they were being challenged about - was wrong.

God spoke to me and asked me if I ever thought about the fact that he was there in the room with me. Of course if I consciously saw him before me, I would act differently.

This did take me back to a testimony I heard from Jack Hayford, where somebody asked why it seemed like he lived a life so cognisant of the Lord, but also with absolute humility. He responded saying that when he was growing up and his mother had to discipline him, she would ask him to respond to her as if Jesus was sitting there in the room with them. Therefore he grew up with a consciousness and a reverence of the Lord's presence where ever he was.

Do I have that consciousness and reverence?

Preach: Significant Measure, Norm Willis, 3-Mar

Following a great and inspiring conversation with a friend this morning, I was just reflecting on a preach I heard from Norm Willis about success vs. significance, essentially boiling down to the heart of giving or receiving. Below are the key sermon points, but what stood out to me was the point on that "giving is man's limited measure overcome by God's unlimited promise" which I took to mean that when we give something which is finite and limited, God can partner with that intention, that action, and increase it beyond which we could. This is both because God is unlimited and very generous, but also because he desires to have a relationship with us, to partner with us. Do I always approach my giving (not even just financial, but any sacrifice), as a partnership with the Lord, and recognise the power of giving... not sure.

- Luke 6:38
- Let God focus on the goal, and we are to invest in the needs
- The pathway to significance is found in the capacity to care for others.
- Mark 4:24. By your standard of measure, it will be measured. By the measure you sow, same measure it will be reaped.
- Love is a measured attribute, determined by investment in God and others
- What is our orientation, towards success vs. significance ... Are we focused on our own goals vs. somebody else's? If we sacrifice and help others reach their goals, God will provide and help you reach yours.
- Giving is man's limited measure overcome by God's unlimited promise.
- Martin Luther King "life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others."
- The quickest way to become rich is to give your life to enrich others.
- Are we living to give?