Tuesday 26 June 2012

Giving to those in need or feeding my own desires?

I was in Euston Station preparing to catch a train, and then I had an urge for a Chai Latte – probably the most tasty hot drink I know of. I did find myself swaying on the shores of uncertainty, see-sawing between “should I buy it or not”, specifically “is it worth the few £’s or not”? Often before I would not have thought much about it, and would have easily gone to buy it, in my mind my one selfish indulgence for the day… However thinking it through, I realised I take many liberties during the day, many self-gratifying indulgences, without thinking about it.

I was contrasting this experience with another one a few weeks back where I was a homeless man on the street. He stopped me and asked me for some money – I did engage with him, as I felt something on my heart that I needed to. So I followed him down the street so I could buy him the food – unfortunately the shop he wanted to go into was closed. So I faced the dilemma of “do I give this man money even though I can clearly see he is drunk”. Remembering a pastor’s sermon where he said that for some of us (me), we withhold money from the poor as we feel they will misuse it – he said that this in itself is a misuse of our money. He also pulled something out of Proverbs (I believe) which said that “he who gives to the poor, lends to the Lord”, and given that the Lord’s interest rates are ridiculous, that is always a good investment. So I decided to buy the man a drink (non-alcholic!) and give him some change so he could get himself some food – whether or not he bought it was his responsibility.

So back to the train station… I ended resolving that I should spend less money (and time!) on my little (but many) indulgences, and give more to those who need it... Ultimately knowing that my spirit & soul is much more satisfied when I am obedient to the Lord and bless those around me, than rather when I seek only to satisfy myself. So no coffee on the train…

Sunday 10 June 2012


How often do I find myself complaining, either in my mind or to those around me. Something God has been challenging me on is that complaining is simply seeing an issue, but not taking personal responsibility to see it fixed. Now of course we cannot practicality get involved with everything, but I felt God say that instead of wasting time talking about it, I should rather spend that time praying into the situation, or thinking about how I can personally get involved to improve it.

Thursday 7 June 2012

Holiday & Wives

Just got from an amazing holiday with my lovely wife. I am just so thankful for the wonderful time we were able to spend together, the things we were able to do and incredible places we could see, and also the fantastic people we were able to meet on the journey. It was such a strengthening time for me, and God just continued to work at little things in my heart (knowing there is still a long way to go) - he challenged me on a couple area's where I now know I had lost focus on what was important or allowed little/minor things to distract me - I know this has manifested itself in my relationship with my wonderful wife, so I am humbled by the challenge but excited to be able to move forward in a growing and blossoming relationship with a wonderful partner, team member, leader and butt-kicker.