Thursday 6 December 2012


I have been seeking out a job due to the fact that my wife and I relocated to Seattle and arrived in the last month. Right now I am looking at 2 great possibilities of working within 2 completely different companies - both are super-exciting, and present different opportunities and possibilities... I am incredibly blown away by 2 great opportunities, both of which I never expected God to provide - he is faithful, and then some!

Which one do I choose? I feel like God is asking me which one I choose - none of them being specifically wrong, he is giving me opportunity to chose and partner with what he wants to do there, in that environment. Sometimes, for fleeting moments, I wish God was a dictator and we were puppets - life would so much simpler... then the moment passes and I am thankful that we get to CHOOSE!

But then as I sit here in Starbucks, blogging, listening to Tree63 (great South African band) and thinking, I realise maybe it is simpler - maybe these are meant to be 2 different seasons and contexts (not to occur at the same time - not to be instead of one or the other). This may be it, we will have to wait and see...

Saturday 1 December 2012


A friend of mine posted the quote below, and I felt it challenged me so much around what am I doing, versus what am giving/sacrificing, ultimately not focus the purpose of my existence around me...

"One could spend a lifetime tinkering with one's soul - more time alone, more retreats... more self-improvement, more searching for one's center - and at the end have no record of self-denial in the quest for the other's good, no risky investment in altering the oppressive conditions under which other live, no voice raised in the public forum of conflicting values. Religious self-centeredness is seeking to save one's life and that, even if it is called spirituality, is finally fatal."

Preach : 25-Nov : GIFTED

Bill Keogh - Church of Christ the King, Snohomish.

God rejoices over you - Zephaniah 3. He is excited about us. God gifted us and we can co-create with him. God continues to create today with us... Is he waiting for me for to become creative? He blessed us so we can bless... He made us fruitful.

Romans 12:1-10
1) Believe God has gifted you. v2.
    > Approaching him with gratitude and thankfulness.
    > Power of belief and unbelief.
    > Impossible to please God without faith.
2) Understand what our gifts are. v4-5.
3) Use our gifts.
4) Grow in our gifting. v10.