Thursday 6 December 2012


I have been seeking out a job due to the fact that my wife and I relocated to Seattle and arrived in the last month. Right now I am looking at 2 great possibilities of working within 2 completely different companies - both are super-exciting, and present different opportunities and possibilities... I am incredibly blown away by 2 great opportunities, both of which I never expected God to provide - he is faithful, and then some!

Which one do I choose? I feel like God is asking me which one I choose - none of them being specifically wrong, he is giving me opportunity to chose and partner with what he wants to do there, in that environment. Sometimes, for fleeting moments, I wish God was a dictator and we were puppets - life would so much simpler... then the moment passes and I am thankful that we get to CHOOSE!

But then as I sit here in Starbucks, blogging, listening to Tree63 (great South African band) and thinking, I realise maybe it is simpler - maybe these are meant to be 2 different seasons and contexts (not to occur at the same time - not to be instead of one or the other). This may be it, we will have to wait and see...

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