Saturday 18 May 2013

Faith & Doubt

Marcy Willis - 28 Apr

> Faith works by love - love for God and for people. God wants to take away doubt and unbelief.
> Root of doubt is dubious - distrust, fluctuation of mind. Doubts are built into our misunderstanding.
> Did we miss the point on fearing the Lord, sacrificing? Did we take only what God says as fact, and the contrary experience as false?
> Peter sunk because he took my eyes off me, because he doubted me and my call. Not because it was his time to sink, or it was part of his perfect plan.
> Matthew 21:22-23... do not doubt. James :
   1. Faith in his willingness, restoring, bringing out of bondage, making us into his likeness
   2. Doubting will prevent receiving.
   3. Doubting person is double minded and unstable... Being willing to identify and resolve doubts overshadowing and destabilizing and making us double minded.

Doubts caused by:
    Pain of the heart. If we do not process a wounding or tear biblically, it allows a daemonic entry, it justifies our right to hold onto the pain... Subconsciously hold against the Lord. Calcification of soul through hardness of heart. Antidote. proverbs 16:6 - mercy and true love, fidelity to God and man.
    Judgement. Be merciful and forgive. We do not understand context, our reactions are based on judgement not reality, and that is what causes us pain. Discernment comes out of love - Phillips 1:9 humility and mercy, Matthew 18:32 forgive from you heart.
    Unclear conscience. Keep his commandments, believe in him and love one another. If we do not have clear conscience, we won't be able to believe him. 1 Timothy 3:9 , 1:19

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