Saturday 12 August 2017

Defining Love

I am convicted by current culture's posturing around "redefining" love. I felt the Lord minister to my heart that the definition of love was the embodiment of Jesus Christ. Only through him is love fully revealed.

That means our cultural perceptions of what love truly was, weren't correct in 1 AD, nor in 1800s, nor in 1995, nor are they correct in 2017. Nothing about worldly cultural change will bring a greater revelation of perfect love. They simply cannot if they are not fully consumed and aligned with the character of Jesus Christ.

I do think as believers our hearts need to be yield to his Spirit and his Truth/Word. I think that is how we position ourselves to yield to receive the revelation of his love in today's culture. I think that is the only way we are able to release a measure of the fullness of his just and perfect love. I strongly am convicted that as I am able to yield to him in this way, that the cultural surroundings I find myself within, will start to receive a measure of that perfect love - not because of who I am, but because of Christ who lives in me. I think as I gaze at Him, at the wondrous cross, at His character, His beauty, His majesty, and fall deeply in love, do I think that love would be expressed more wholesomely in me, and be released more completely in my life to others.

Love will only start with Jesus, coming to save the world, not to save himself, the suffering servant, the father who gave his only son... That is where true love originates, and that is the only true definition of love.

I do realize there is much more here to this, than I fully comprehend, but I wanted to capture what I felt the Lord speaking to my heart. Thank God for grace, but also for increase - I ask for more!

Dear reader, I bless you in Jesus name, to receive a greater understanding of God's perfect love, and with that a greater measure of his love which would be poured into you, so you would be become a river of life flowing out into the world.

On a related but separate note, I don't think we'll ever have a full revelation of love until we meet Jesus at the end of the age, and even then, I guess it may take eternity to understand a perfect and loving and infinite God. But that is something for another day...

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