Wednesday 18 April 2012

Shadow Glory

Just before Easter we were in a coffee shop in London, when outside there was some commotion, so being a guy and intrigued by the gathering crowd I went out. To my surprise it was Zach Braff, the actor from Scrubs, who was part of a musical in a west end show and had come out to meet his fans after a showing. I tried to grab a photo of him, but failed to do so. What struck me was the way people were interacting with him – they were either getting signatures or getting a photo with alongside him. So here is this guy who is fairly well known and respected, and the “normal folk” – including myself – just wanted to “catch” some of that recognition and respect he carries by just being captured briefly in his shadow. There was not anything deeper than that, people were not chatting to him or trying to give him things – quite possibly because of the limited time – but there was something about trying to use this time with this person for our own personal recognition and status. I might be wrong, but I am just being honest about what I was thinking.

Ultimately it prompted me to think about my motives when partnering with people in life, especially those who have something I feel I want or need. What are your motives?

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