Sunday 1 April 2012

Water Divinity

So I was chatting to my family in Africa, who are currently drilling for water - water in Africa is always such a big deal, almost a scarce commodity. They had hired a water diviner to come and find the water, and on arriving he had said he could "feel" the water, and then predicted that it would be found at 60m below the surface. Now that sounded a little strange to me - was he consulting spirit mediums to do it? No not at all, this guy was a farmer who had many years struggled to find and dig for water for his farm, and so through his extensive experience he had built in an internal sense to discovering water. So when they hit some water at 58m and had reached a sufficient depth at 61m, I realised how accurate that "sense" of his was.

I felt after this, that there is so much that God has created in this world which we do not currently access. Do I lock God into a box and limit him to my worldly understanding? God created all things for our good, but it does all ultimately point to Him and give Him glory.

God, would You stretch my understanding of You, would You stretch my expectation of what You want to do, around and through me, as You gracefully partner with me as I get to journey with You, living life in abundance. May it all return to You and give You glory. Amen.

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