Saturday 16 February 2013

Choice or Feeling

I was at the School of Generosity (at City Church) today, and during the Q&A session somebody asked this lady who had difficulties with her father, how she had dealt with it. The way she summarised was that too often we try to feel our way into a choice, but rather we should choose a way into a feeling. Her point was that she had to chose to forgive her father for his failings (as all earthly fathers will fail), which might not have come naturally, or maybe wasn't what she wanted, but it was the choice she had to make. I felt it was a powerful and simple point about choosing how we feel, and not being a victim in our circumstances.

So how do I choose to feel today? How do I chose to respond to my wife? How do I chose to engage with people at my business? It is my choice, no one is control of me...

For interest, this lady has a blog - - go check it out.

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