Saturday 16 February 2013

Preach : Judah Smith : Heaven - Keep it Clear : 3-Feb

I was thinking back to Judah Smith's preach a few Sundays ago.

The church has been going through a series on heaven. The main message was how do we keep a perspective in our lives as to who and what is important. This was brought out buy Judah referring to the book of Revelation, where it talks about how so much of the city is made of gold, yet the gold itself is clear - allowing the light & glory of Christ to come into any structure or thing.

The point is do we live lives where we maintain that focus & purity, allowing God's good and powerful light to shine in us and through us. Do we keep that focus on Jesus, not allowing ourselves to shift our focus onto other aspects of our lives or the world.
I just recognised that I face distractions everyday (as everyone does), but am I able to keep shifting my focus  away from that distraction and look to Jesus - for inspiration, for direction, for security, for affirmation... but even more so am I able to look at him and enjoy him?

That might take us onto a separate point, so I'll stop here for now.


Key sermon points:- John 3:13
- Luke 11:1-4
- Revelation 21:1-2,9-11,18-23 and 22:1
- Gold is not wrong, but keep it clear... our possessions should not possess us.
- Matthew 6:19-23 ... Do not store wealth up on earth. Keep your eye good (single / clear), so your body will be full if light, not bad (chaotic / unfocused).
- If your eye is clear and singularly focused on Jesus, your whole being will radiate with His light.
- Matthew 6:33
- Romans 5:17
- Galatians 5:22-23. Fruit of the Spirit - not fruit of ours but His.

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