Monday 23 January 2012

Blind Courage

So 2 weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting one of God’s treasures. I sat next to her during a Sunday morning service. We used the standard prompt from the preacher “to get to know your neighbour”, and we chatted for a little while, after which I felt like a had met a genuine, honest, kind person. We then continued in worship, and a visiting speaker delivered a sermon. Right at the end of the meeting, she said to me that she had a simple prophetic picture.

Essentially it was of a small potted plant, and God was simply saying that what I had planted, he would grow… at first I did not get the context, but then after thinking about it I realised it was totally what I needed, in terms of as we plan to move away from this family & community I have been building with for the past few years, God was encouraging me that those people or ministries I had been investing in would grow because he would water them. Thank you God that you are in absolute control, and you will all things for good and your Glory!

Now the point of this blog was not about the simple but hugely encouraging prophecy, but about this girl, who was blind, yet completely confident in bringing a prophetic picture to somebody she just met, and somebody she could not see (or even see how they were reacting). Oh how sometimes I am fearful of steps of faith, even with physical eyes, and her was my friend without sight but completely confident in what God had said to her. What a blessing.

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