Wednesday 4 January 2012

Less is More

So the 1st official post, of my personal thoughts... Recently we have started to cleanup our house to get rid of unneeded items which we have just been holding onto - this has been prompted by various reasons, but the thing I have been struck by now (and every time in the past) is the massive release and joy it is to give things away. At business we are often challenge about the fact that we have so much to do, and that the management often challenge us saying less is more - I feel this is so true on a physical, emotional and even spiritual level. Getting rid of things physically just simply cleans up your life (your house, room, whatever), whilst getting rid of emotional baggage is huge... but even more so on a spiritual level. I often find clinging onto things (on any level), unless absolutely divine, damages my mind and my heart. I feel like in many ways we have been created to steward, stewarding the natural world around us, stewarding our kids as they grow, stewarding any blessing given too us. Therefore holding on tightly to those things we are meant to steward drops our focus, and heck we miss out on more blessing! We were created to give, so why not give more? I think that is where I will leave it, so I can dwell on that whilst I sleep...

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