Friday 21 September 2012

Control & Pride

As my wife and I have been in a season of transition, I have felt God challenging me about the mask wear which says to everyone around me that "I have it all together. I am in control and have it all worked out"

Being in this season of change, I have incredible uncertainty but at the same time I have found such peace. As I read the bible I see examples of great women and men and communities of faith who could sense God's will and purpose in a situation even though the outcome was unclear to them.

I think there is something in safe and controlled western culture (certainly the culture which I know) which says we need to have it all figured out... I feel whilst there maybe wisdom in that, Giddy is looking for us go be willing risky steps of faith, risky only in worldly sense...

For me this us also tied into the fear of uncertainty, something which I am growing in as my faith grows, but it is still a long journey...

Sunday 2 September 2012

Baptism... in the USA

So having recently moved to USA, my wife and I were able to attend a great church in New Haven Connecticut, which had an incredible level of passion for Jesus and heart for the community

On arrival we realised that day was actually going to be a baptism service - no initially I was like "oh no, I wanted to get more of a flavour of the church and what they are about"... however God has a different perspective. We actually ended up hearing what the church believes on a variety of topics during the preach (from things like healing, prayer, prophecy, outreach and so on).

However what really struck me was the fact that there was a baptism. As my wife and I move into this new season, I feel like God is calling me to drop off the old which hindered me, to cast all the things from my old life, which hindered my run with him, and to use this refreshing new season to let new things grow... So inherently I felt I was almost going through my own personal baptism in this season, a baptism into a new culture, but beyond that a baptism into a new life and season with Jesus... come on, so excited!

Intimacy & Communication

So my wife and I were just spending some time together, and as our relationships grows, there are moments where I understand what she is thinking by simply a look she gives me or the way she speaks or whatever. I feel there is definitely a sense as you spend more time with somebody, specifically in a close and intimate setting where you really are able to understand them, that communication between you and that person can be simplified, and much better understood...

I felt God challenge me about my level of relational investment with him. I am so quick to get doing my life on my own, and then when I need God and callout to him, I cannot fully understand him. I need to invest that time with him, reading his word, reflecting on his love and goodness, worshipping, and then out of that he will be able to direct me in the daily challenges, in the moments when I need to hear his voice and direction.