Friday 21 September 2012

Control & Pride

As my wife and I have been in a season of transition, I have felt God challenging me about the mask wear which says to everyone around me that "I have it all together. I am in control and have it all worked out"

Being in this season of change, I have incredible uncertainty but at the same time I have found such peace. As I read the bible I see examples of great women and men and communities of faith who could sense God's will and purpose in a situation even though the outcome was unclear to them.

I think there is something in safe and controlled western culture (certainly the culture which I know) which says we need to have it all figured out... I feel whilst there maybe wisdom in that, Giddy is looking for us go be willing risky steps of faith, risky only in worldly sense...

For me this us also tied into the fear of uncertainty, something which I am growing in as my faith grows, but it is still a long journey...

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