Saturday 27 October 2012

hate evil

So after a little time of no quiet times or reading the scripture, I felt compelled and hungry to eat some fulfilling food, and hear from the Lord, my awesome Father in heaven. So opened up to Psalms where I had last stopped reading, and read a few chapters.

The scripture that the Lord spoke to me through was Psalm 97:10 - "Let those who love the Lord hate evil". I have heard it said that often we as people can be "measured" how much we love something, by how much we hate something else. I felt God ministering to me through that about area's in my life which I have left unguarded and exposed, and specifically where I have not fought back thoughts and deeds which were completely not of the Lord.

Now to be clear, I do not believe the Lord is saying that we should hate all men who do evil, as that is ultimately all of us. However I believe it is about hating that evil thing which drives us, so for instance if a man is beating his wife, I should not hate the man, but rather that thing which is driving him to do it. I cannot control anyone else, so what is my responsibility is to hate that which I have control over, primarily my own thoughts and actions.

In recent days I feel God has been impressing on me the perspective of eternity. This in regards to what decisions (both seemingly big or small) am I making today, and what is their effect and significance in light of eternity... and I feel this thing of hating this evil which can invade all of our lives, and that which I allow to invade mine, needs to be told to stop. I need to constantly watch what I am letting into the door (in terms of my thoughts), and if it is not of the Lord, command it to leave as it has no place in my mind or my heart.

So that is my prayer, that I will grow pro-active in my thought life, and rejection that which is not of the Lord.

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