Monday 8 October 2012

Throwing Stones (breaking) or Lifting Stones (building)

My wife and I recently listened to Laura Bush's book, Spoken from the Heart, which provides an interesting personal look at her life and her time as first lady of the USA. It was a great book, something I would recomend to folks, especially those who are incredibly synical and judgemental (like myself) of people in seats of authority.

Whilst listening to her speak about her time, and her husband's, whilst they led the country, I was completely humbled about the responsibility and weight these people shoulder as they lead a nation. I looked back as she shared about decisions she or her husband had made, and how I had judged them at that time, and ultimately felt stupid, ignorant and foolish at having been so willing, possibly even eager, to throw over my own bombs of accusation, judgement and supposed wisdom at what decisions and actions should have been made but were not.

Next time I will try and not be so eager to throw stones, as breaking down a house is easy. I hope to rather see which stones I can carry and work with the leaders to build a stronger house together.

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