Wednesday 7 November 2012

Gabe Murfitt

I was at a business men's bible study & lunch in Bellevue this Tuesday, and we had the privilege to hear a guy called Gabe Murfitt speak to us during the lunch.

The summary of Gabe is that he is a 22 year old man, who was born with a defect, where his legs didn't grow properly and his arms are almost non existent, so he is limited to getting around on a wheel chair. He has an incredible testimony of living life to the fullest in the midst of these circumstances, including playing basketball with ordinary kids during his time at high school. He has an incredible relationship with Jesus, and has been speaking at different places to give encouragement to all people, and has even been recognised by Oprah and was invited onto her show.

Below is Gabe's simple message... CLEAR:
- Courage. Have courage. Deuteronomy 31 - "know that your God is with you".
- Leadership. Jesus is a sufficient friend, and he will lead you through all uncertainty. Be somebody who does the same - stick a hand out to those who need it and effect them in a positive way.
- Endurance. Cannot do myself. Philippians 4:13 - do all things through Christ...
- Attitude. Frame the situation, don't let it frame you. You are the weather.
- Respect. Respect others, but also respect yourself. You are a child of God, created in his image, with incredible value and unique purpose.

To close I wanted to mention a story Gabe shared which happened to him when in a restaurant. A 4 year old boy had come in with his parents, and had just stared wide-eyed and Gabe for many minutes. After a while he said to his mother "That boy over there looks funny - he looks like a T-Rex". Gabe chuckled, and said it was funny, he could even understand why the boy said that... the possible pain/frustration it might have caused him, bounced right off him because of the knowledge of who we was, the understanding of his identity and value. Is my identity & self worth as strong as his?

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