Tuesday 13 November 2012

Responsibility : Mine or God's?

Over the years I am being graciously taught how I live my life in the presence of an all powerful, all knowing, fully capable, fully sufficient God. For many years I felt like I needed to do things for God because he needed it - over time I came to the conclusion that God does not need anything from, he is always fully satisfied and never does need. Having now recently moved to a new country, and we are busy adjusting to living in a new place and setting up our new lives, I have had to surrender so much more to God - because there is so much which is inherently out of my control.

However we need to balance this thinking. God does call us to do things (e.g. great commission) - however in my mind this is clearly because it is something we need, as he has no need. So why do we need this? What purpose does it serve us to partner with God in our lives, giving him our life and all? Here are my thoughts.

Living life for God, fully surrendered to him, obedient to his will and purpose, is simply awesome. Now I am not in that place, not by a long shot - I don't I will ever be 100% there. But every time I surrender something to him, every time I give him space to work in my life, it is awesome. The peace which passes all understanding is with me in those situations where peace does not logically make sense - in a worldly sense I should be stressed and afraid - but I am at peace (Philipians 4:6-7). Every time I give it to him, he blesses the sacrifice - as in the old testament fire fell on sacrifice. I also believe as Jesus said, he came to give us life and life in abundance (John 10:10) - and having had experiences being in that situation, just blessing people, loving them naturally, getting to know them and encouraging them, building them up and releasing hope, I feel alive! I think that is what God intended for each of us!?

I still stupidly often choose to live my way, but I am learning that that simply leads to disappointment... God does not need my gift, my life, my time... but He wants it from me as in His infinite wisdom He knows it will be most fulfilling life I get to live!

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