Sunday 26 February 2012

Love is a Choice

I have been preparing my talk for my youth group on age old (but still relevant) question which many people ask as to "Why does a good God allow good people to suffer?".

In preparation, one of the key points that I need to communicated is that God gave us a choice, as I feel love can only exist where is a choice, otherwise it would not be love! Love is an action, an intention, which cannot exist if there is no other option. God loved us so much that he gave us a choice.

As I was pulling together my notes I came across this website:
The site had a few observations which people had tweeted on the topic, specifically in the context of marriage... I have listed some of them below which challenged me.
~ "Does your calendar reflect you desire to prioritize your marriage relationship as most important?"
~ "Too many couples settle for mediocrity in their marriage, when they would never settle for second best in other areas of their lives."
~ "Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage."

Sunday 19 February 2012

Faith and Deeds

So reading James before I head off to bed...
James 2: v14 : What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? v17 : In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

I guess I feel a couple of things about this teaching:
1) Massively challenge about substantiating my faith - for without deeds my faith is dead
2) However, encouraged that my faith, not my deeds, saves me... yes whilst my deeds show the substance of my faith, it is not my deeds that save me... It is my belief in Jesus who intercedes for me with the Father and who has restored me to the righteous.
3) Based on the belief that I have, how can I not show that? How can I not live differently knowing that a God knows me infinitely, my every weakness and darkest thought, yet loves me beyond understanding! How cannot that change the way I live, the way I think, I act?

Oh God would you release a fresh revelation on me, and on everyone who needs to know your heart. Would you move our hearts, so that we would be compelled to love those around us who do not know your perfect love. Compel us Lord, fill us Lord, for without You we cannot! Would You break off any misunderstanding that You need us for anything, oh God, You who are fully able and fully satisfied in Yourself. Yet You ask us to partner with You, in a relationship to see Your Kingdom come! Thank You for that God, thank You for that adventure of a life time, that we get to journey with You, the living God. That You desire to have a deep and intimate relationship with You, that we get to see Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!

Bethel Music (Loft Sessions) - You know me ft. Steffany Frizzell

Great song, really moving about how intimately God knows us! I have just pulled out the key lyrics, give it a listen on YouTube or download the track. Be blessed!


You have been
And You will be
You have seen
And You will see

You know when I rise and when I fall
When I come or go, You see it all
You hung the stars and You move the sea,
And still You know me

And nothing is hidden from Your sight
Wherever I go, You find me
And You know every detail of my life
And You are God and You don't miss a thing

You memorize me

Saturday 18 February 2012

Selfishness of Sin

So I have been working through roots of certain sin in my life, something which God has shown overwhelming grace and rich mercy. Essentially it is selfishness, which if I give into, brings me to a place of more sin, which manifests itself in many ways. Now I don't want go into the manifestations, but into the root, the heart of the issue, as Solomon said "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (Prov 4:23)

For me it always starts at the point where I feel a spirit of entitlement (i.e. that somebody or the world owes me something) - this can be caused by many different things but for me often preceded good events (productive days at work, growing relationships, acts of generosity, etc) - this is where the devil tricks me into believing that because of all the good stuff "I" have done, I am entitled to something. This hinges on the fact that before I might be doing things out of love, out of a desire to bless or whatever, and then it flips on its head to where I do things for myself. Out of a desire to please myself (and I think in fact that I deserve), I remove myself from a place of sacrifice, submission, intimacy with God, to a place where I believe I should do what I want, and I act out of place where only I matter.

Of course the funny thing is that every time I give into the desire, the end result is that I feel unsatisfied. I know that all the things which the earth has to offer is incomparable to what God can offer me, through intimacy with him, who knows me and loves me immeasurably, and is doing all things for my good and His glory!

Ultimately "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it" (Ps 24:1), but "whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Cor 10:31), and not only that but "Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others" (1 Cor 10:24).

Oh God may I be compelled by your love, not by my own desires. Renew my heart, to feel your heart beat in this world, restore me to you. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Saturday 4 February 2012


So I spent the evening with my lovely wife watching the Whistleblower, a stirring film based on the life of Kathryn Bolkovac, a US citizen who went to post war Bosnia as a UN peacekeeper. There she discovered indescribable physical and sexual offenses being committed against the local girls, unfortunately by those who had been sent to protect them - unfortunately the international criminals finally caught, were unable to be prosecuted due to the international immunity offered to them.

This deeply moving film, again reminded me of the offenses men commit against women, a growing theme which God is putting on my heart, and something my wife has been carrying for years. It broke my heart to see what we are capable of, what we are willing to do to one another. It broke my heart what had been committed against my sisters.

Ultimately I ended up realising whilst justice won't be complete in this world, when Jesus returns it will be. Just like the limited perception we have of justice, is incomparable to the wisdom of God who sees all things through love of his children and hatred of evil... In that I can find peace that his perfect will and justice will be done in the end, and that for now all I need to worry about is being obedient to his perfect will, knowing that whilst his love may be hidden in the dark places of the world, when the light does comes (and it will come) the darkness cannot fight and will submit to the name of Jesus. Amen.

So what left to say? Not sure, but I feel like this is still the beginning for my wife and I, and God has a long and exciting road ahead of us... he is stirring us to fight, how, when, were, I am not sure... but one day the battle call will sound and we will be ready.