Sunday 26 February 2012

Love is a Choice

I have been preparing my talk for my youth group on age old (but still relevant) question which many people ask as to "Why does a good God allow good people to suffer?".

In preparation, one of the key points that I need to communicated is that God gave us a choice, as I feel love can only exist where is a choice, otherwise it would not be love! Love is an action, an intention, which cannot exist if there is no other option. God loved us so much that he gave us a choice.

As I was pulling together my notes I came across this website:
The site had a few observations which people had tweeted on the topic, specifically in the context of marriage... I have listed some of them below which challenged me.
~ "Does your calendar reflect you desire to prioritize your marriage relationship as most important?"
~ "Too many couples settle for mediocrity in their marriage, when they would never settle for second best in other areas of their lives."
~ "Many people spend more time in planning the wedding than they do in planning the marriage."

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