Saturday 4 February 2012


So I spent the evening with my lovely wife watching the Whistleblower, a stirring film based on the life of Kathryn Bolkovac, a US citizen who went to post war Bosnia as a UN peacekeeper. There she discovered indescribable physical and sexual offenses being committed against the local girls, unfortunately by those who had been sent to protect them - unfortunately the international criminals finally caught, were unable to be prosecuted due to the international immunity offered to them.

This deeply moving film, again reminded me of the offenses men commit against women, a growing theme which God is putting on my heart, and something my wife has been carrying for years. It broke my heart to see what we are capable of, what we are willing to do to one another. It broke my heart what had been committed against my sisters.

Ultimately I ended up realising whilst justice won't be complete in this world, when Jesus returns it will be. Just like the limited perception we have of justice, is incomparable to the wisdom of God who sees all things through love of his children and hatred of evil... In that I can find peace that his perfect will and justice will be done in the end, and that for now all I need to worry about is being obedient to his perfect will, knowing that whilst his love may be hidden in the dark places of the world, when the light does comes (and it will come) the darkness cannot fight and will submit to the name of Jesus. Amen.

So what left to say? Not sure, but I feel like this is still the beginning for my wife and I, and God has a long and exciting road ahead of us... he is stirring us to fight, how, when, were, I am not sure... but one day the battle call will sound and we will be ready.

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