Thursday 17 January 2013

2012... and hope for 2013

What an amazing past year I have had. A year of growth, risks and blessing, all made possible by God's absolute grace and generosity. I am so thankful that I have my best friend and amazing wife with me on this journey. We have moved continents and set up a new lives; we enjoyed multiple holidays around the world, alone, with friends, with family and with thousands of others; we grew personal and as a couple, and our marriage has deepened.

Now not all of 2012 was rosy, but I can see God's provision in it all. When I was obedient enough to follow God's promptings (which is not all the time), he was faithful and blessed me, although not always in ways I expected. With a growing physical distance between and my amazing family, I need to learn how to navigate super-long distance relationships with my loved ones - grateful for Skype and other amazing tools. Saying good bye to friends in the UK was also incredibly difficult as well, but I leave in the knowledge that their eternal future is rock solid.

So as we look into 2013, I am excited, because looking back at 2012 and the road God has led us down, I cannot even imagine what 2013 may hold for us. It is a year of uncertainty, a year of opportunity, a year of hope. There are a number of things I wish to do during the year - to read at least 10 books, to go jogging more with my wife, to learn a new language, to travel (maybe Hawaii, Alaska, Australia?), to embed ourselves in a good community here, to develop my business skills within my new company... to live, to laugh, to love, to grow and to cherish the little things.

So with that, I wish you dear reader, a blessed 2013.

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