Thursday 3 January 2013

Preach : 16 Dec : God Bless You

Just looking back over a sermon by pastor Norm Willis. I loved a number of his points, specifically that before God commissioned us with responsibility, he awakened us with blessing. That is the heart of the father, to bless us, even though the process of that blessing might not look like the way we expect it... I hope you are richly blessed, dear reader.

Key sermon points below...

Christ Church Kirkland, Norm Willis
- "God bless you"
- power of life and death in our words.
- How does God bless? Is it through our possessions our what has possessed us?
- Even before man was commissioned with responsibility, he was awakened by blessing.
- Blessing is the intent of God in his actions.
- Responsibility is a blessing he bestows upon us.
    1. Makarizo. To be indwelt by God.
    2. Eulog. to be spoken well of.
- Jesus comes to indwell, not to just approve our plans, but to interfere with our personal [fleshly] plans.

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