Wednesday 30 January 2013

they become who we treat them as

Just a random thought bouncing around in my mind at the moment, so I thought I would distil it down into this blog.

In my relationship with my wife, I have been often challenged in the way I treat her. Sometimes I can be over-bearing, controlling and manipulative, but then (in my limited understanding) I am shocked to see her disempowered and unable to make decisions and to lead in certain areas! Now this is not a large scale change in her character, but it started off with small things. I needed to, and slowly have, realised what a negative affect my reactions where having on my wife, and that I need to stop that.

In a similar way I remember growing up in South Africa, just a few years after we came out of Apartheid, and some white South Africans would remark how they felt that many black South Africans were barbaric and primitive. What I failed to realise at that time, was whilst that might have been true for some, that was largely due to the fact that they were treated in that way for decades... I liken it to the film Planet of the Apes. How can you stop yourself from becoming wild and barbaric, if you are nearly disregarded as a human being.

Our responsibility is to empower those around to grow, to reach their full potential, to become whom God intended them to be...

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