Wednesday 9 January 2013

Choices : part 2

I felt it necessary to review what had happened since my previous "Choices" post in mid-December. What transpired since the previous post was that one of the two choices closed out - thankfully God confirmed it both in my heart and in the company considering hiring me. However as that second option closed, another second option opened. Both the options on the table were great offers with exciting prospects - they both were fully aligned with what I had been seeking God about... and in that time I realised God was asking me to make a choice, a choice he would honour, but he wanted to partner with me in my life. However let me be clear, I don't believe God sits back and allows me to make bad decisions, those which destroy and damage, rather he speaks life and destiny over us, wanting us to step into the path he has destined for us, the one which will truly satisfy - and in that we can we even make choices. So I realise I need to come to him with the desires of my heart, but also allow him to renew and purify my heart so that it will be like his, then I will ask according to his will. It is so much easier said than done - that is why I guess it is a daily decision. What will I choose tomorrow?

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