Wednesday 9 January 2013

Preach : RSVP : 30-Dec

I loved the preach I heard at City Church at the end of December, which was coupled by a powerful personal testimony of Joanne's decision to turn away from a lifestyle of drugs, and be welcomed into a new lifestyle with Jesus leading her on. She had 2 key points, as follows.

  1. Who is on your invitation? Who will only attend the banquet in Heaven if you reach out to them and invite them? (now lets not get distracted by the fact that no one can convert people, it is a personal decision... but the point is that God called us to partner with him - as in the great commision - to go to the ends of the earth and to simply bear witness and testify to his greatness). Am I bearing witness, shining light, so that those who need to hear the good news do?
  2. My personal story, of good and bad decisions, is ultimately a testimony for others, which will liberate them from their similar circumstances... Jesus leads us out of the place we are stuck in, so we can in turn lead others out of the place they are stuck in... My story is someone else's liberty.

Further bullet notes here...
Joanne Ramos (sp?), City Church (
- "only thing which allows evil to remain is if good people do nothing"
- Matthew 22:1-14
- Whom am I going to bring to the banquet? Who is on my invitation?
- God meets us at our excuse : Moses ( Exodus 3:1-2 ) ; Joshua ( Joshua 4 )
- God leads you out of the place you are, so that you can lead people out of the place they are.
- Your story is someone else's liberty.

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