Thursday 3 January 2013

Sandy Hook

What can you say about tragedy occuring around the world - specifically acts of ultimately deamonic violence against innocent people... Nazi campaigns against jews, Rwandan genocide against the tutsi's, and gun related massacres in the US (to name but a few).

To me what is sad is to say that the loss of life is due to God's wrath because of peoples sin - and unfortunately this was said about Sandy Hook... For me this statement, regardless of who made it, looks to entirely remove the redemptive powers of Jesus and what happened on the cross. The statement that God is angry and is therefore punishing us, seems to me to be contradictory to what it says in the bible about Jesus taking God's entire wrath on the cross, for our past present and future sins. So for me the whole statement is not only sad because it makes God look angry and willing to sacrifice kids to prove a point, but it also removes the power of the cross! I did find this blog by a local pastor to be a greater indepth study about around the discussion, and something which connected much more with my spirit.

In closing, I cannot look into the situation and begin to even try understand what it is like for those who have been affected by this terribly tragedy. All that I can do for is hope and pray that Jesus love and grace continues to pour down open them, and the rest of the world, restoring hearts to him for eternity.

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