Sunday 10 November 2013

Unfailing Love

Wow, it is good to be back in my blog... It has been a struggle, and I felt the Lord just nudge me today, to get it going again... So here we go!

Pastor Norm shared this morning, in a very vulnerable and genuine sermon, spoken from his heart - however I don't feel like I need to go into that, as it wouldn't help or bless anyone reading that, however I do just want to recognise it, and honour his humility and vulnerability. I know I to often can hide & cover my wrongs, and it is great to be in a place where we can be honest with ourselves, and with those around us - that is what the Lord desires! But that is seperate discussion for a different day...

He spoke on the unfailing love we have been given by God, and ultimately the response-ability we have to be those who love in that way.

The point which really hit home for was, "Why so often do we measure success by what we have accomplished, versus how have we loved?". It brought me back to my hearts cry when I created this blog, which can be seen in the name of the blog, which was to be somebody who was to compelled by love. I can only love if I have been loved - as I can only give from what I have received. So the Lord has been, and continues to take me on a journey of his love, and through that I know that as he continues to extrangantly shower his love over me, I will be to freely love those around me. Loving not out of duty, but of joy and excitement, being so captivated and overwhelmed by what he has given, and desiring for all to share in that.

So dear reader, know that he loves you, passionately, without hinderance... YOU ARE GREATLY LOVED!

Lamentations 3 [The Message]

 19 I remember my affliction and my wandering,
   the bitterness and the gall.
20 I well remember them,
   and my soul is downcast within me.
21 Yet this I call to mind
   and therefore I have hope:
 22 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions
never fail
23 They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness. 

24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion; 
   therefore I will wait for him.”
 25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
   to the one who seeks him;
26 it is good to wait quietly
   for the salvation of the LORD.
27 It is good for a man to bear the yoke
   while he is young.
 28 Let him sit alone in silence,
   for the LORD has laid it on him.
29 Let him bury his face in the dust—
   there may yet be hope.
30 Let him offer his cheek to one who would strike him,
   and let him be filled with disgrace.
 31 For no one is cast off
   by the Lord forever.
32 Though he brings grief, he will show compassion,
so great is his unfailing love
33 For he does not willingly bring affliction 
   or grief to anyone.

Sunday 16 June 2013

My Father's Eyes

On father's day, our pastor spoke about the prodigal Father. The word prodigal means lavish, extravagant, abundant and excessive. In Luke 15 we see a Father who is lavishes his love on his son. The power to become all God intends comes from looking into Fathers eyes - all can know the lavish love that comes from knowing the eyes of our heavenly Father. When we see Fathers eyes, we are enabled and empowered to  love unconditionally, trust undoubtedly, serve untiringly and proceed unhesitatingly.

I felt such a strong connection with what he spoke of, as I remember so often when I looked into my father's eyes I saw that genuine love and compassion. I saw his joy and delight in me - and in that I found security and stability that cannot be matched by earthly things. From a young age, I felt enabled to do things - to love those around me, to give and to serve, to trust... all because he first had chosen to love me.

During the sermon he played Eric Clapton - My Father's Eyes.

Sailing down behind the sun, 
Waiting for my prince to come. 
Praying for the healing rain 
To restore my soul again. 

Just a toe rag on the run. 
How did I get here? 
What have I done? 
When will all my hopes arise? 
How will I know him? 
When I look in my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 
When I look in my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 

Then the light begins to shine 
And I hear those ancient lullabies. 
And as I watch this seedling grow, 
Feel my heart start to overflow. 

Where do I find the words to say? 
How do I teach him? 
What do we play? 
Bit by bit, I've realized 
That's when I need them, 
That's when I need my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 
That's when I need my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 

Then the jagged edge appears 
Through the distant clouds of tears. 
I'm like a bridge that was washed away; 
My foundations were made of clay. 

As my soul slides down to die. 
How could I lose him? 
What did I try? 
Bit by bit, I've realized 
That he was here with me; 
I looked into my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 
I looked into my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 

My father's eyes. 
My father's eyes. 
I looked into my father's eyes. 
My father's eyes.

Saturday 18 May 2013

Fix our thoughts on Jesus

Hebrews 3:1-2
 1 Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest. 2 He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house.

Fix your eyes/thoughts on Jesus. Those who fix their thoughts on Jesus see through Jesus eyes, those which fix their eyes on Jesus get the mind of Christ - we become what we behold. Fixing our thoughts, brings healing, and restoration of our sight. To fix our thoughts on Jesus is to order our lives by the obedient submission to Gods word.

The enemy attacks us subtly - sin easily begins with a sympathetic thought toward evil. The challenge is that we have an 'express yourself' culture, in a 'deny yourself' kingdom. We need to be active in our thoughts, to turn toward Jesus. We need to be humble with our feelings, until they are filtered and validate through the word of God.

Norm Willis, 14 April 2013

Faith & Doubt

Marcy Willis - 28 Apr

> Faith works by love - love for God and for people. God wants to take away doubt and unbelief.
> Root of doubt is dubious - distrust, fluctuation of mind. Doubts are built into our misunderstanding.
> Did we miss the point on fearing the Lord, sacrificing? Did we take only what God says as fact, and the contrary experience as false?
> Peter sunk because he took my eyes off me, because he doubted me and my call. Not because it was his time to sink, or it was part of his perfect plan.
> Matthew 21:22-23... do not doubt. James :
   1. Faith in his willingness, restoring, bringing out of bondage, making us into his likeness
   2. Doubting will prevent receiving.
   3. Doubting person is double minded and unstable... Being willing to identify and resolve doubts overshadowing and destabilizing and making us double minded.

Doubts caused by:
    Pain of the heart. If we do not process a wounding or tear biblically, it allows a daemonic entry, it justifies our right to hold onto the pain... Subconsciously hold against the Lord. Calcification of soul through hardness of heart. Antidote. proverbs 16:6 - mercy and true love, fidelity to God and man.
    Judgement. Be merciful and forgive. We do not understand context, our reactions are based on judgement not reality, and that is what causes us pain. Discernment comes out of love - Phillips 1:9 humility and mercy, Matthew 18:32 forgive from you heart.
    Unclear conscience. Keep his commandments, believe in him and love one another. If we do not have clear conscience, we won't be able to believe him. 1 Timothy 3:9 , 1:19

Saturday 13 April 2013

Trial of Identity, and Guarantee in Resurrection

These two sermons spoke powerfully to me, both the context of Jesus's trial, judgement (and how that is even applicable in today's culture), but also the power and hope released by the cross and resurrection

Truth and Deception in the Trial of Identity

  • Everybody had a faulty notion of power (i.e. Hierarchial rule), versus Jesus view (Sacrifical, 'The last shall be first' etc)
  • Jesus's claim to be a King challenged the power of the day : (1) political power of Rome, (2) religious power of Pharisees and (3) self centred power of the people. Jesus's admittance of who he was, was the evidence required to call him guilty, as only Rome had the legal ability to establish a King. There was a system of deception to maintain the status quo of power.
  • Crucifixion was for terrorist, to distort their identity and to dishonour them.
  • Ignorance was a conscious decision of the people. Ignorance avert's the heart from accessing the truth. 'Envy is the opposite of a coin called Vanity' - it comes from pride, in ourselves and our traditions. What of the world system do we allow to enter our heart? That which eliminates Jesus's authority and jurisdiction in our lives? Ignorance is turning away consciously - so the antithesus is turn fully towards Jesus.
  • We all stand guilty participants in sending him to death - the cross was done by us. However our joining in his death, means that we can join with him in new life. It was not only our sin that sent him, but it was a Father's love.

The Authority of the Cross and the Guarantee of Resurrection

Acts 2:22-28 [NIV]   

 22 “Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. 23 This man was handed over to you by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross. 24 But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. 25 David said about him: “‘I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. 26 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, 27 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your holy one see decay. 28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

  • The cross without the resurrection is authority without accomplishment. The resurrection without the cross is accomplishment without guarantee.
  • The immediate relevancy of the resurrection turns obstacles into opportunities, devastation into restoration and certain death into resurrection life. When we are the prison of impossibility, there is hope in light of the resurrection. The resurrection did not erase the word 'hopeless', it just erased it's application.
  • Though hope abides, if it is not applied it is of no affect. Hope gets us access into the account, and prayer enables to draw out of that account.

1 Peter 1:3 [NIV]    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

  • Resurrection is our hope - death is no longer something we fear.
  • Resurrection is hope that God will balance the scales of justice

Friday 22 March 2013


Having recently finished watching the latest season on "The Biggest Loser", I was struck by the fact that one of the trainers (Jillian Michaels) talked one of the contestants through forgiveness, purely because she knew it has holding her back, that it had trapped her in her situation (which had then also resulted in her bad eating habits)... she pointed out that she (the contestant) needed to forgive the person because it was good for herself, it was what was needed to release her from the emotional baggage, which was resulting in her unhealthy lifestyle.

How come the world knows how good and healthy forgiveness is? Yet we struggle so much with it... If you google forgiveness, you will be surprised that the most of the initial articles are medical related... how forgiveness is physically good for you...

So am I going to consciously look to forgive thus that upset, offend, or even maliciously hurt me? Knowing ultimately that forgiveness is good medicine for my soul and body?

Below are a few points from a great preach earlier this month at our church.

  1. What is forgiveness?
    To excuse for a fault or offence. To grant relief for payment of. A conscious or deliberate effort to release feelings of resentment.
  2. Why forgive?
    Things happen in life which cause offence. We can chose to forgive or withhold forgiveness. However someone once said "Unforgiveness is us taking poison and expecting somebody else to die."
  3. What does forgiveness do?
    (1) frees both parties, (2) restores relationships with others, (3) releases grace to be active, (4) restores relationship with the Lord, (5) better physical health.
  4. What did Jesus say about forgiveness?
    Jesus on the cross: "Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do." Matthew 6:14-15 : For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
  5. How to forgive
    (1) choose to release - act of the will, can function regardless of the temperature of your heart (Corrie Tenboom). (2) forgive immediately and without anger. (3) with a heart towards restoration. (4) completely as our Father forgives us - psalm 103:12.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Restaurant Stakeout

So I was watching Restaurant Stakeout the other night. What was so interesting about the show is not just how the people acted when they did not know they were on camera, but beyond that how they responded when they were confronted about it. Many did initially deny what had been shown on the camera, but most did agree that their behaviour - which they were being challenged about - was wrong.

God spoke to me and asked me if I ever thought about the fact that he was there in the room with me. Of course if I consciously saw him before me, I would act differently.

This did take me back to a testimony I heard from Jack Hayford, where somebody asked why it seemed like he lived a life so cognisant of the Lord, but also with absolute humility. He responded saying that when he was growing up and his mother had to discipline him, she would ask him to respond to her as if Jesus was sitting there in the room with them. Therefore he grew up with a consciousness and a reverence of the Lord's presence where ever he was.

Do I have that consciousness and reverence?

Preach: Significant Measure, Norm Willis, 3-Mar

Following a great and inspiring conversation with a friend this morning, I was just reflecting on a preach I heard from Norm Willis about success vs. significance, essentially boiling down to the heart of giving or receiving. Below are the key sermon points, but what stood out to me was the point on that "giving is man's limited measure overcome by God's unlimited promise" which I took to mean that when we give something which is finite and limited, God can partner with that intention, that action, and increase it beyond which we could. This is both because God is unlimited and very generous, but also because he desires to have a relationship with us, to partner with us. Do I always approach my giving (not even just financial, but any sacrifice), as a partnership with the Lord, and recognise the power of giving... not sure.

- Luke 6:38
- Let God focus on the goal, and we are to invest in the needs
- The pathway to significance is found in the capacity to care for others.
- Mark 4:24. By your standard of measure, it will be measured. By the measure you sow, same measure it will be reaped.
- Love is a measured attribute, determined by investment in God and others
- What is our orientation, towards success vs. significance ... Are we focused on our own goals vs. somebody else's? If we sacrifice and help others reach their goals, God will provide and help you reach yours.
- Giving is man's limited measure overcome by God's unlimited promise.
- Martin Luther King "life's most persistent and urgent question is what are you doing for others."
- The quickest way to become rich is to give your life to enrich others.
- Are we living to give?

Sunday 17 February 2013

Preach : Embers & Ashes : 17-Feb

We had a pastor visit us at CCK today - he was from Switzerland (but spoke incredible English, with only a slight German accent). He started off sharing about a senior catholic pastor in Switzerland who had recently written a book about embers and ashes - that as a church, they (and other churches) may have become to focused on the ashes produced by the fire, and lost focus on the embers, on the fire.

Leviticus 6:8-13 (NIV) - The Burnt Offering
8 The Lord said to Moses: 9 “Give Aaron and his sons this command: ‘These are the regulations for the burnt offering: The burnt offering is to remain on the altar hearth throughout the night, till morning, and the fire must be kept burning on the altar. 10 The priest shall then put on his linen clothes, with linen undergarments next to his body, and shall remove the ashes of the burnt offering that the fire has consumed on the altar and place them beside the altar. 11 Then he is to take off these clothes and put on others, and carry the ashes outside the camp to a place that is ceremonially clean. 12 The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it. 13 The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.

1) The fire needs to keep on burning. A critical point drilled in by the fact that it is stated multiple times in the text.
2) Fire falls on sacrifice - sacrifice is dead flesh. Are we willing to let our flesh die, to sacrifice that at God's altar? Ultimately God is a consuming fire, and whilst we recognise his grace and love falling on our lives, we also need to recognise that his fire will also burn all that which is not important - are we open to that happening?
3) You cannot have continuous fire like without producing ashes - ashes are not bad, and should be treated with the due respect (the priest needed to change clothes for this, and place the ashes in a special place). However need to recognise the ashes are not the focus - they are not holy, the fire/sacrifice is holy, so the ashes were holy, but no more.
4) Do we recognise where we have lost focus - where we have become to focused on the ashes, on the rituals or other human creations, which were born out of something good, but are no longer good themselves.
5) "A third of my theology is wrong, but I am not sure which part it is" - NT Wright. Scripture can create ashes through own misinterpretation - are we open to being told by God, area's where our interpretation is wrong?

Saturday 16 February 2013

Choice or Feeling

I was at the School of Generosity (at City Church) today, and during the Q&A session somebody asked this lady who had difficulties with her father, how she had dealt with it. The way she summarised was that too often we try to feel our way into a choice, but rather we should choose a way into a feeling. Her point was that she had to chose to forgive her father for his failings (as all earthly fathers will fail), which might not have come naturally, or maybe wasn't what she wanted, but it was the choice she had to make. I felt it was a powerful and simple point about choosing how we feel, and not being a victim in our circumstances.

So how do I choose to feel today? How do I chose to respond to my wife? How do I chose to engage with people at my business? It is my choice, no one is control of me...

For interest, this lady has a blog - - go check it out.

Preach : Judah Smith : Heaven - Keep it Clear : 3-Feb

I was thinking back to Judah Smith's preach a few Sundays ago.

The church has been going through a series on heaven. The main message was how do we keep a perspective in our lives as to who and what is important. This was brought out buy Judah referring to the book of Revelation, where it talks about how so much of the city is made of gold, yet the gold itself is clear - allowing the light & glory of Christ to come into any structure or thing.

The point is do we live lives where we maintain that focus & purity, allowing God's good and powerful light to shine in us and through us. Do we keep that focus on Jesus, not allowing ourselves to shift our focus onto other aspects of our lives or the world.
I just recognised that I face distractions everyday (as everyone does), but am I able to keep shifting my focus  away from that distraction and look to Jesus - for inspiration, for direction, for security, for affirmation... but even more so am I able to look at him and enjoy him?

That might take us onto a separate point, so I'll stop here for now.


Key sermon points:- John 3:13
- Luke 11:1-4
- Revelation 21:1-2,9-11,18-23 and 22:1
- Gold is not wrong, but keep it clear... our possessions should not possess us.
- Matthew 6:19-23 ... Do not store wealth up on earth. Keep your eye good (single / clear), so your body will be full if light, not bad (chaotic / unfocused).
- If your eye is clear and singularly focused on Jesus, your whole being will radiate with His light.
- Matthew 6:33
- Romans 5:17
- Galatians 5:22-23. Fruit of the Spirit - not fruit of ours but His.

Saturday 2 February 2013

School of Generosity #4

Day 4 of the course, I wanted to capture what JoAnne Ramos said in her session, which spoke to me deeply. She is an amazing speaker, and God has done an amazing work in her life, and I just want to honour her by this.

She was talking about how Kingdom Culture is created and established, specifically in 3 ways:
  • What we believe about: God (Psalm 145:16), Yourself (Proverbs 23:7), Your resources.
  • What we speak (Matthew 12:34)
  • How we live (Matthew 5:16, 1 John 3:18)

She then interjected with these few nuggets:
  • When we are in a state of self-pity, locked into a victim mentality, God doesn’t feel sorry for you – in the sense that he knows who he created you to be, and you being a victim is not who he created you to be [side note: please don’t feel like God doesn’t care if we are down and broken, the point is he knows who are.She said that at home they don’t allow any victim mentality, but rather create an environment where people are encouraged and built up.
  • When sharing about resources, she said how her son had one day asked her why they didn’t have that much furniture (e.g. not enough sofa’s for everyone to sit on), and she said they didn’t chose to buy them. Her son had thought that they were too poor, whilst JoAnne said it was more how they chose to spend their money – on earthly things with limited lives and value, versus eternal things.I loved that point – it is all a matter of perspective, and choosing how to invest (and also sacrifice for the short term)

Genesis 8:22 (NIV): “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
Joanne pointed out that of those 4 things (seedtime & harvest, cold & heat, summer & winter, day & night), only 1 part was in our ability to influence – seedtime & harvest.

The forest is in the seed:
  • Seed – we have itCorinthians 9:8-10God gives seed, which you can then give away
  • Season – the right timeEcclesiastes 3:1
  • Soil – where to sowJohn 12:8We sow because we live a God life motivated by his compassion.

At the end of the talk at a Q&A she had a question about giving, and specifically if spouses disagree about how much to give or what to give. She responded by saying if you disagree on something, pray pray pray, and the Lord will reveal to both of you what he wants. However if one partner’s heart isn’t in a specific area (maybe they aren’t saved) then give of something else - it doesn’t need to be just finances, it can be of your time, your skills, your hospitality…

'Jesus Is ___' music project : Jesus Is Loving Barabbas

I was incredibly moved by this track on the 'Jesus Is' album from City Church. Below I have captured what pastor Judah Smith spoke. Read it and let the words minister to your soul, and maybe listen to the track in the background, check it out here on YouTube (and if you like it please purchase it from Amazon, or iTunes, or wherever else). Be blessed!

We see the story of Jesus going to the cross, and everything seems to be hand in hand, and then there is this one character who seems to interrupt the narrative, his name's Barrabas. We don't know much about him, except that he is a murder, a leader of an insurrection, a rebel, and why he is even mentioned sometimes I am not so sure - this is about Jesus on the cross.

So in this moment Pilot thinks 'I hold the destiny's of these two men in my hand' and I know the jews have a tradition that on a holy day I will release one of the prisoners on death row. Pilot stands on this audacious stage, who now presents Jesus, son of the living God, versus Barabbas the thug and rebel. He says 'Alright, who do you want?' This is blasphemy, this has gone to far, there is no comparison. This is a rightful prisoner, a man who should be on death row, he is a rebel against Rome, he leads a rebellion, he murders people, he is a bad man a thug and a crook - he deserves the chains and he deserves the crucifixion. Jesus, what has he done, but heal, restore, deliver, set free, open blind eyes, open deaf ears, heal the lame and the leper. What has Jesus done? 'Who do you want?' 'We want Barabbas. Yeah, give us Barabbas.'

The roman soldiers come up, and they unlock Barabbas from his chains and shackles, and he walks down the platform, welcomed by all his thug friends 'Yeah, the people love me, yeah, that's right, I don't know who this Jesus guy is, but all I know is that my people love me.' There seems to be no conscience of Barabbas, there is no record of him turning to Jesus and saying 'I owe you everything now, for you have set me free.' No, I don't see any of that in Barabbas.

And God knew that. Jesus stood there silent, for he knew the will of the Father, he said 'It's fine Father, let them have Barabbas', for Jesus knew that the father would have to treat Jesus like Barabbas, so he could treat Barabbas like Jesus. Barabbas thought it was the people that set him free, but no no, it was the love of the heavenly Father.

When I look at this story, I realise who Barabbas really is ... that's me, that's you, that's us.
I was reading this the other day and I felt God speak to me.
'I love Barabbas, I love him'
'But God, he is a bad man!'
'I love him, and I wanted him to go free.'
'But didn't you know that ... he probably would never acknowledge the free gift-'
'Yeah, but I love Barabbas.'
For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God sent his son for Barabbas, even one he knew he would walk away from Jesus and his free gift, and never come back.

He loves him, and the nerve, the audacity of believers to think that I got saved by grace but now that I am in this deep dark place of bondage, I have to work to get myself. What!? That's the opposite of the gospel. Are you bound? Are held under the power of this temptation, this sin, these sexual urges? Do you feel like it is controlling you? What are you going to do? 'I am going to shake myself free'. Stop it! No you won't, you are no match for the powers of hell, for the urges of sin and sexual temptation, you will not overcome and you will never overcome it ... you will just be another statistic. There is no answer within yourself. Your own marriage, your own goodness, your own discipline, your own devotion will not save your marriage and will not save your kids. There is only one, and he is the one who took your place, he is the one who stood silently on the platform with pilot and said 'Yes, let them have Barabbas, take me.'

How many times have I stood on that platform with pilot and Jesus, and I am the Barabbas, and they started to take my chains off.
I say 'No no, I deserve this, I deserve the guilt, I deserve the shame, I deserve the consequence, I deserve it'.
Jesus seems to look at me and say 'No son, let me have it, let me have your sin, let me have your pain'
'No God I did it to myself, I deserve it, my marriage won't make it this is what I deserve, I deserve divorce I deserve poverty, I deserve sickness, I deserve it all.'
'God I am so ashamed, but God what if I do it again.'
'I'll still be here.'
'Oh God I don't want to hurt you, I love you, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this anymore.'
'Give me your sin son.'

This is all we got, this is all I got, this is all you got. We can play games, we can play church games, we can pretend like some people are better than others and that is why they are blessed, or we can come to the honest conclusion that it is God. It is God alone. The greatest challenge is not your discipline, your devotion, your focus. Your greatest challenge is believing the gospel couldn't be that there is a God with a love so scandalous so wide so deep so vast so high so expansive, so welcoming, so inclusive.

'Let me have your sins son.' I give him my sin and I stand in this empty space of forgiveness and acceptance, whilst Jesus walks off to the cross that I deserve. I see him, I see him walking, to the post to be whipped, as I stand a free man, all the attention is turned now, and I feel the love of God saying 'Go Son, live your life, I'll pay the price.' Where did we get off thinking that we were going to set ourselves free? It's still Jesus, it will always be Jesus, it will never stop being the power of Jesus. If his blood is sufficient for your salvation, his blood is sufficient to sustain you through every challenge and every sin and ever temptation, Jesus is enough!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

they become who we treat them as

Just a random thought bouncing around in my mind at the moment, so I thought I would distil it down into this blog.

In my relationship with my wife, I have been often challenged in the way I treat her. Sometimes I can be over-bearing, controlling and manipulative, but then (in my limited understanding) I am shocked to see her disempowered and unable to make decisions and to lead in certain areas! Now this is not a large scale change in her character, but it started off with small things. I needed to, and slowly have, realised what a negative affect my reactions where having on my wife, and that I need to stop that.

In a similar way I remember growing up in South Africa, just a few years after we came out of Apartheid, and some white South Africans would remark how they felt that many black South Africans were barbaric and primitive. What I failed to realise at that time, was whilst that might have been true for some, that was largely due to the fact that they were treated in that way for decades... I liken it to the film Planet of the Apes. How can you stop yourself from becoming wild and barbaric, if you are nearly disregarded as a human being.

Our responsibility is to empower those around to grow, to reach their full potential, to become whom God intended them to be...

Sunday 27 January 2013

'Jesus Is ____' music project

Just purchased the album on iTunes - I love it, incredibly powerful. Just hearing the truth of God's word spoken, whilst listening to emotive music... cuts straight into ones soul, and allows the truth to nestle itself in there. Check it out!

Thursday 24 January 2013

School of Generosity #1

On Saturday 12th January I attended the first class of  'School of Generosity' at City Church, Kirkland. Below are a few of the key points I felt hit my mentally and spiritually.

People generally fall into 3 categories:

  1. Majority are drifters... not knowing who we are, where we are going - life being becomes survival.
  2. Smaller group are go-getters.... work heard, accumulate great wealth, only to realise that they have missed it all
  3. Minority actually discover who they are, what their purpose is, and live that out in a life of love, significance and leaves them fully satisfied.
(at this point I was thinking... hmm, I relate with the first 2 categories more than the last 1... but that is what I want)

The speaker went on to do talk about how God promises to be with us, to provide life in abundance  to provide for our daily needs. Deuteronomy 28: 1 If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God. (on a side note, I believe that God blesses us beyond purely material blessing - therefore we cannot measure God's goodness by our material blessing - as that is not of eternal significance!)

The second speaker had a few great points:
  1. He referenced the quote from the film 'Chariots of Fire', where the main character says "God made me fast, and when I run I feel his pleasure". Stepping into who we are made to be surely must give God great pleasure - just as I guess an earthly parent would feel great satisfaction seeing their child reach their full potential (which could be completely different to their other children!).
  2. Do I live as royalty? Living as sons and daughters of Christ the King! Not arrogantly, but humbly, stewarding the blessing, but also being confident in coming to Father as his children.
  3. Are we contagiously generous? We give, but ultimately everything we have came from him and is his...   On a personal side note, in Proverbs 19:17 it says "He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD" - and I believe the Lord's interest rates are ridiculous..
So why don't I give to him more? Probably out of fear that he won't give back, that it put me out and cause issues in the future... that is what I now need to work, but I am thankful that he is speaking to me, and giving me peace about it... know that I don't have to worry, as it is all his.

Who do we tell our children they should be?

Recently as I was scanning through a few videos on, I came across the following talk by Colin Stokes about the messaging of gender roles within films.

Whilst I am not sure about the way he finished the talk, I feel the key message about what roles we seem to be telling our boys and girls is a big challenge. He said that generally the message is that the man needs to be strong, a warrior, and fight, and then take his prize - a beautiful women. The women normally have a support, background role, not carrying anything of significance. I think both are sad, as they do not seem to provide direction as to what significance their lives can play, and how they could go about it - guys don't need to aggressively fight to get the prize, and girls don't need to subject themselves to men's raw desires and wants.

I think for me, whilst I do not have kids yet, it is a challenge for me for the future, as to what will I allow to influence my kids and their thoughts about themselves and their siblings, and even those around... as we are all truly significant.

Thursday 17 January 2013

2012... and hope for 2013

What an amazing past year I have had. A year of growth, risks and blessing, all made possible by God's absolute grace and generosity. I am so thankful that I have my best friend and amazing wife with me on this journey. We have moved continents and set up a new lives; we enjoyed multiple holidays around the world, alone, with friends, with family and with thousands of others; we grew personal and as a couple, and our marriage has deepened.

Now not all of 2012 was rosy, but I can see God's provision in it all. When I was obedient enough to follow God's promptings (which is not all the time), he was faithful and blessed me, although not always in ways I expected. With a growing physical distance between and my amazing family, I need to learn how to navigate super-long distance relationships with my loved ones - grateful for Skype and other amazing tools. Saying good bye to friends in the UK was also incredibly difficult as well, but I leave in the knowledge that their eternal future is rock solid.

So as we look into 2013, I am excited, because looking back at 2012 and the road God has led us down, I cannot even imagine what 2013 may hold for us. It is a year of uncertainty, a year of opportunity, a year of hope. There are a number of things I wish to do during the year - to read at least 10 books, to go jogging more with my wife, to learn a new language, to travel (maybe Hawaii, Alaska, Australia?), to embed ourselves in a good community here, to develop my business skills within my new company... to live, to laugh, to love, to grow and to cherish the little things.

So with that, I wish you dear reader, a blessed 2013.

Preach : "Who do you say I am" : 13-Jan

A cracking sermon last Sunday about what role does God have in our life, and how do we view him. The core point was that if we aren't fully absorbed by the glory, splendour, provision, faithfulness of him, we will be distracted by things of this world, be discouraged by circumstances around us, and be unclear of our future, our purpose in this world... but if we see things through Jesus eyes, eyes which do not grow old (as he is outside of time) then we will always have a fresh and hopeful perspective, we will understand who he is, and who we are... what our role, purpose and destiny is within this world.

Who do you say Jesus is?

Detailed Notes... Norm Willis, Christ Church Kirkland
- Mark 8:27-30. How have we positioned Christ in our life? It benefits us first eternally before practically. "Who do you say I am?" ~ Jesus.
- We are on our way somewhere, where he encounters us. He cause us to ask questions of him, removing focus on ourselves. Answers do not always position us for breakthrough - when answers are withheld we look harder.
- Man first reduces Jesus before he rejects him. John 1:29-33 - John did not recognise him because he had reduced Jesus. - We need to watch for anything which takes Him out the place where He is the all consuming. "to live is Christ", "Christ in me, the hope of glory" ~ Apostle Paul. When our pursuit of Jesus is random, he has been reduced to an add on.
- If Jesus is not defined correctly, everything suffers... If Jesus is off, life is off. John 1:1
- Jesus is before everything, so he is ready with provision before circumstance. The more we see through his eyes, the younger our mind and perspectives remain, because he is outside of time and always sees things in a fresh way. Revelation 4:1. He is the God of new beginnings
- Jesus is the right to become - John 1:2. He has authority to begin and capacity to complete. Phillipians 1:6. Jesus is the focus of all pursuits - John 1:43
- Do we seek to worship Jesus but do not intend to fully follow him? Do we deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him? - Life works when we are on the cross and he is on the throne. John 12:20-28 - the Greeks possibly wanted to offer a way to live. Do we live in a reality that our lives are not our own? Living in the abundance in seeking the kingdom.

Poem : Invisible Fury

This was a poem I wrote whilst still at High School. It is about some of the vicious storms we during the winters.

Across the ocean expanse
Over the hills it came running
With feet of a thousand feathers
It never stopped coming

Men erected stone barricades
Intending to cease its terrible flow
Although men were thinking and planning
Little did they really know

The plan was simple
The trap was set
And then came the final onslaught
But men didn’t know, for stealthily had it crept

It hit the barricades
But did not cease
Down came all in its path
And on and on raged the beast

Men tried to flee its terrible fury
Some wondered how long it would last
When all at once
It cleared and the storm had passed

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Preach : RSVP : 30-Dec

I loved the preach I heard at City Church at the end of December, which was coupled by a powerful personal testimony of Joanne's decision to turn away from a lifestyle of drugs, and be welcomed into a new lifestyle with Jesus leading her on. She had 2 key points, as follows.

  1. Who is on your invitation? Who will only attend the banquet in Heaven if you reach out to them and invite them? (now lets not get distracted by the fact that no one can convert people, it is a personal decision... but the point is that God called us to partner with him - as in the great commision - to go to the ends of the earth and to simply bear witness and testify to his greatness). Am I bearing witness, shining light, so that those who need to hear the good news do?
  2. My personal story, of good and bad decisions, is ultimately a testimony for others, which will liberate them from their similar circumstances... Jesus leads us out of the place we are stuck in, so we can in turn lead others out of the place they are stuck in... My story is someone else's liberty.

Further bullet notes here...
Joanne Ramos (sp?), City Church (
- "only thing which allows evil to remain is if good people do nothing"
- Matthew 22:1-14
- Whom am I going to bring to the banquet? Who is on my invitation?
- God meets us at our excuse : Moses ( Exodus 3:1-2 ) ; Joshua ( Joshua 4 )
- God leads you out of the place you are, so that you can lead people out of the place they are.
- Your story is someone else's liberty.

Choices : part 2

I felt it necessary to review what had happened since my previous "Choices" post in mid-December. What transpired since the previous post was that one of the two choices closed out - thankfully God confirmed it both in my heart and in the company considering hiring me. However as that second option closed, another second option opened. Both the options on the table were great offers with exciting prospects - they both were fully aligned with what I had been seeking God about... and in that time I realised God was asking me to make a choice, a choice he would honour, but he wanted to partner with me in my life. However let me be clear, I don't believe God sits back and allows me to make bad decisions, those which destroy and damage, rather he speaks life and destiny over us, wanting us to step into the path he has destined for us, the one which will truly satisfy - and in that we can we even make choices. So I realise I need to come to him with the desires of my heart, but also allow him to renew and purify my heart so that it will be like his, then I will ask according to his will. It is so much easier said than done - that is why I guess it is a daily decision. What will I choose tomorrow?

Thursday 3 January 2013

Sandy Hook

What can you say about tragedy occuring around the world - specifically acts of ultimately deamonic violence against innocent people... Nazi campaigns against jews, Rwandan genocide against the tutsi's, and gun related massacres in the US (to name but a few).

To me what is sad is to say that the loss of life is due to God's wrath because of peoples sin - and unfortunately this was said about Sandy Hook... For me this statement, regardless of who made it, looks to entirely remove the redemptive powers of Jesus and what happened on the cross. The statement that God is angry and is therefore punishing us, seems to me to be contradictory to what it says in the bible about Jesus taking God's entire wrath on the cross, for our past present and future sins. So for me the whole statement is not only sad because it makes God look angry and willing to sacrifice kids to prove a point, but it also removes the power of the cross! I did find this blog by a local pastor to be a greater indepth study about around the discussion, and something which connected much more with my spirit.

In closing, I cannot look into the situation and begin to even try understand what it is like for those who have been affected by this terribly tragedy. All that I can do for is hope and pray that Jesus love and grace continues to pour down open them, and the rest of the world, restoring hearts to him for eternity.

Preach : 16 Dec : God Bless You

Just looking back over a sermon by pastor Norm Willis. I loved a number of his points, specifically that before God commissioned us with responsibility, he awakened us with blessing. That is the heart of the father, to bless us, even though the process of that blessing might not look like the way we expect it... I hope you are richly blessed, dear reader.

Key sermon points below...

Christ Church Kirkland, Norm Willis
- "God bless you"
- power of life and death in our words.
- How does God bless? Is it through our possessions our what has possessed us?
- Even before man was commissioned with responsibility, he was awakened by blessing.
- Blessing is the intent of God in his actions.
- Responsibility is a blessing he bestows upon us.
    1. Makarizo. To be indwelt by God.
    2. Eulog. to be spoken well of.
- Jesus comes to indwell, not to just approve our plans, but to interfere with our personal [fleshly] plans.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Preach : 9-Dec

I loved the sermon Marcy shared about Christ's strength in our weakness... and why Paul writes that in his 'weakness', and with his spiritual union with Christ, who is fully sufficient, therefore he (Paul) is actually 'strong' (but again not strong by himself, but when partnered in mind, body and spirit with Christ). The final point I loved was that grace would always supercede any economy, including that of works and results.

Below are the key points I shot down if you would like to read...

Marcy Willis, Christ Church Kirkland
- In my weakness, God is sufficient and I am strong.
- 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
- His power is active and visible in my weakness.
- "How suffering sets you free".
- Works, protection, winning vs. Suffering, sacrifice, losing...
- Grace will always topple the economy of works and results.
- Colossians 3:4... focus on him not our lack... Run to him! New heart and mind.
- Galatians 2:20-21...
- Philipians 4 - live is to die, and die is to gain
- Romans 6:6-8
- 1 Corinthians 1:18